The drag on your fishing reel is what keeps big fish from breaking your line. Properly setting the drag could prevent you from losing that trophy fish.
Learning the most effective way to use a spinning reel will help you to catch more fish in a variety of situations. In this tutorial, fishing guide Capt. Chris Myers explains how to operate and cast a spinning reel combo.
Soft plastic lures can be used in both fresh and salt water. Most of them are purchased without hooks and the angler must rig these baits before using them. This tutorial explains how to rig many of the popular styles.
A loop knot can be used to attach most fishing lures and all hooks and flies. A loop allows greater action of the lure or fly and always ensures the line will pull straight down the shaft. With knots that cinch tight agains the eye of the hook, the may move off to one side causing it not to pull straight.
This video shows you how to set up your Lowrance unit to optimize it for ice fishing. This will also apply to Lowrance Elite and Mark series units as well as the X-67c Ice Machine.
Lowrance Pro-Staff, Gerry Heels, explains how he caught this nice Lake Simcoe Lake Trout. Fishing in over 70 feet of water the strike came about 10 feet below the ice. Without the Lowrance HDS5 Gerry never would have know it was there.
There are many different types of prepared catfish baits for catching channel and blue catfish. These baits are often referred to as "stink baits", but while they might smell quite foul to some anglers, the smell really attracts catfish.
Ice fishing can be a bit more challenging (and cold!) than regular fishing - but much more rewarding when you catch something! This video by expert fishers Dick and Sue Viera show you all the proper techniques and safety precautions for a successful ice fishing trip.
This great how-to shows clearly how to tie a length of braided line to a fluorocarbon leader. In the video, the demonstrator uses large rope so that the technique can be clearly seen. This trick has been gaining popularity in the freshwater fishing community lately in part because it helps to reduce twist and snarl, but absorbing some of the pull. Follow this super video yourself and see if the trick works for you. When you're out in your boat and you feel the tug of that big mouth bass, you'll...
A recent trend in freshwater fishing is adding a fluorocarbon leader to your braided fishing line. The benefits of this are mainly allowing for some more absorbtion of pull, resulting in less twist and potential tangling. This how-to will show you how to tie this knot yourself, so when you're in the middle of that beautiful pond, and you feel the bite, you'll be able to successfully land that big one with less stress on you or your gear.
There's a popular new trick in the fishing community and that's tying a braided line to a fluorocarbon leader line. To do this, you'll need to know the proper knot, and this video will show you how to do it. With this method you will reduce some of the problems of twisting and tangling with using braid right up to your lure. Check it out. The braid helps absorb some of the pull on the line, so see if you can feel it when you go to land the big one!
If you've ever gone bass fishing then you know how important it is for your line to be sturdy and strong. Make sure your line is in tip top shape next time by forming this Modified Albright or Alberto knot.
In this video, we learn how to clean skates or rays. First, use a sharp knife to remove the roughness from the top of the ray. After this, stick the knife in both of the sides and cut all the way down. From here, you should just have the middle left and the two sides should go in a bath of clean water to get the dirt off. Continue to repeat this process for all of the rays that you have. You can cook however you want when you are finished cleaning. Make sure you cut the right parts off, the...
In this video, we learn how to tie a Palomar knot to secure a fishing line. This knot is pretty easy to tie, it won't take long. First, you will take the fishing line and make it into a loop. After this, insert it through the eye on the hook. Next, bring it back over and then tie an overhand knot, leaving it a little loose when you tie it. You should be able to see the working end hanging down. Now, take the loop and put it over the hook. Now when you tighten it up, you will have the completed...
In this video we learn how to tie an easy fishing knot system. First, put the line through the hook and pull. Then, take the end of the line and make it come through the loop. Bring this over and then you will have a hole at the bottom of the string. Take the end of the line and put it through the hole around six to eight times to get a strong knot. Then, pull on the main line and you will see the knot glide up to the hook, To go lower, just pull it down. This creates a strong and efficient...
THe channel catfish is the most famous fish in the rivers of the South. They are pretty easy to fish for and make good eating, so watch this video for tips on making sure you reel in a big catfish the next time you go fishing.
Use 12 inches of fishing line and a fishing hook. Make a large loop, folding the fishing line in half and put the fishing hook through it about a quarter of the way down the fishing line. Take the loop under the hook, draw it through the hole that was created. Pull to tighten. Next, take the small, loose end of the loop and place it around the fish hook. Pull the fishing hook through. Pull the end of the fishing line tightly so that the knot is firm and secure. Watch the video for more...
This is a video tutorial in the Outdoor Recreation category where you are going to learn how to tie a snell knot to a fishing hook. This knot is different from the usual ones and is one of the strongest fishing knots for tying a fishing hook to fishing line. It is also the easiest to tie. Take a fishing line about a meter long and a number 6 tuna circle hook. Pass the line through the eye starting from the front and coming out at the back. Hold the end of the line and the hook together, wrap...
Fishing is a great way of saving you money on having to pay for over priced pre-cleaned fish at the grocery store, it's also a way to relax and enjoy nature. If you're planning on heading on down to your local stream to get some fish, take these tips into consideration. In this video you will get some tips on what sort of physical characteristics of the stream are and also what sort of fish to expect in what types of waters.
Several fishing techniques are demonstrated in this video, including how to set up a trot line (where heavy, baited hooks are set at intervals along a tree branch) and a bank line (a line set up along the bank of the lake or river).
Nymph fly fishing is pretty tough and requires some key elements to make it successful. With this video you'll learn how much weight you'll need to use for your lure, how to cast and lure properly, as well as what sort of equipment you should have with you.
Trout is a popular fish to find in freshwater rivers and lakes. Learn useful bait, tackle and fishing techniques to catch a tasty fish. So for your next trip to the great outdoors, don't forget to pack your fishing rod!
Fishing can be tough when it's really hot outside, but don't worry, professional bass angler Kevin VanDam has some advice for outwitting those bass in the summertime. Beat the heat, and beat the bass, with these summertime fishing tips, like using finesse baits and reaction baits.
In this tutorial, we learn how to catch more crawfish. First, you will need to have a crawfish trap that is long and has a large door on it. Some different kinds of bait that you can use include: blue gill, shell crackers, red ears, perch, and any other fresh water fish. Take the bait and place them into a hook on the outside of the trap. You will want to hook them through the eye and place as many as you can on the hook. Now, you can place the trap into the water and close the trap up. Now,...
In this tutorial, we learn how to tie fishing jigs. First, go through the eye of the jig with your thread, then make a fisherman's knot making seven to eight turns. Now, go through the loop with the end of the string and pull it tight. Then, cut the end off and make sure you have four to five feet of lead left. You can put a swivel on the end of it, then tie another fisherman's knot. When finished, this will go to your main line on your other rod and you will be ready to go! This is easy to...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a basic cast in fly fishing. Begin by holding the rod like your shaking someone's hand. The fore fingers should be over the fishing line and wrapped around the rod. Do not grip the rod too firmly. Before casting, make sure that you have a certain amount of fly line out at the end of the fly rod. Keep your wrist stiff and elbows to your side as you cast the rod. Now pull back the rod and release the line forward. This video will benefit those...
Take your fishing line and run it through the guides on the fishing pole. Of course, for you beginners, start at the bottom as the line in on the reel and work up. While doing this, release your bail. After you have finished running the line, pull the bail back over. This keeps the line from running out. Now we are going to do a overhand loop by making a loop which doubles the line. Make an overhand knot, about 8 inches up from the lower loop. You will twist the loop and then run the...
The Rapala knot is a common fishing knot that is intended to be tied directly to the lure. It was conceived by the Rapala Brothers, who emphasized that if a swivel or leader is essential, choose the lightest tackle possible so that the lure moves naturally.
One of the most exciting times you can have fishing is when you can get in the middle of a school of surface-feeding fish like black bass or white bass or stripers. If you can manage to cast off into them, you're guaranteed to get a bite. And one way to improve your chances… the popping cork rig. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a popping cork rig.
Fishing for catfish? Maybe you need some help, and Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV has just the tip. In this video, he shows you how to use dip bait to improve your catfish catches on the waters. It may smell disgusting, but it's well worth trying out.
In this tutorial we learn how to rig a fly line. Start by preparing the floating line or sinking line to accept the fly. Carefully unwind your leader, then fasten it over the perfection loop and thread it through the fly line perfection loop. This should make a nice tight knot so you have a nice tight fly. When finished, you can remove the leader then coil it back up and make three loops and save for use later on. It's also smart to carry a pack of weighters in your vest so you can throw them...
In this tutorial, we learn how to work a spinner bait. This has a head as the weight, then the hook underneath the head and skirt. On the other side of the safety pin, there is who flat blades for murky waters. These help with sun reflection. This is a very versatile type of bait that helps you fish in murky waters. Bass will attack it as soon as they see it, helping you catch more fish. There is a lot of equipment on this, so it takes the bass a little while to get a hold of it. To ensure you...
In this tutorial, we learn how to tie a Texas rig. First, get your worm and your side hook, then hook the worm to the fishing rod and hook. Tie a knot around the fishing line so it stays in place then you will be ready to use! This is great to use when you are out fishing, and will bring in a lot of fish. Make sure when you hook the hook into the worm, you thread it through so the hook doesn't obviously show. Fish will be attracted to the worm, then get caught on your hook because they won't...
In this tutorial, we learn how to tie a Carolina rig fishing line. First, grab your favorite type of hook, then apply it to a Carolina rig that has a bead on it to protect the knot from sliding up. You can also use a giant worm on your Carolina rig to have better results while fishing. Push the hook into the worm, and thread it through so it's secure. This type of fishing line is used to fish on the bottom and can be used to catch more fish and a different type. Use this as often as you'd like...
Learn how to tie the Arbor Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Arbor Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the Blood Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Blood Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the Dropper Loop Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Dropper Loop Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the Improved Clinch Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the improved Clinch Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the Nail Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Nail Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the uni knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the uni knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way.
Learn how to tie the Snell Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Snell Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the Double Surgeon's Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Double Surgeon's Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
Learn how to tie the trilene knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the trilene knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way.
Learn how to tie the Albright Knot for fishing. This animated knot tying tutorial is the best you'll find. With this knot tying how to, you can tie the Albright Knot fast or slow, or pause it at every step along the way. Learn to tie knots for your next fishing trip.
When it comes to both simplicity and efficiency, the bottom bouncer rig is one of the best fishing rigs you can use. It's great for crappie fishing, along with catfish, white bass, black bass, and other panfish and bottom-dwelling sportfish. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a bottom bouncer rig.
The slip sinker is used with the slip sinker rig to troll bait slowly across the bottom, primarily for walleye fishing, but also it will catch catfish and other bottom-dwelling species. If you want to find out how to rig the slip sinker rig, watch and learn from Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV.
If you're bass fisherman, then you know that the lipless crankbait is the bait you want in your fishing box. It's great for catching roaming fish chasing bait fish. However, there is an alternative you could use— a square-billed shallow running crankbait. They both are used in the same situations, but sometimes the billed crankbait will outperform the lipless crankbait. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you more about the square billed crankbait in this video.
What's a jig worm? Well, it's exactly what the name implies: a jig rigged with a trailing plastic worm. If you're not a seasoned fisherman, the answer might not have been so obvious, but that doesn't matter when you find out how important this jig worm is. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a jig worm.
Big surprises come in little packages, and that's certainly the case with this flicker shad bait. This flicker shad has been proven to attract bass or any fish that feeds on shad, so if you want to learn more, watch as Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a flicker shad.
No, this yo-yo rig does not mean attaching your toy yo-yo to your fishing line. It's a specifically deigned mechanical reel that is designed to fish while you're home in bed. It's quite the reel, and worth a try. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to rig a mechanical yo-yo rig.
Do bigger baits really catch bigger bass? That's been a question for fisherman since fish existed. Well, when it comes to bigger worms, pro anglers on the national bass circuits give the unqualified answer of "yes," at least as far as plastic worms and fish holding on deep summer structure are concerned. Watch and learn as Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a mega worm bait.
No one fishes with a frog as lure, except when it comes to the non-living kind. This soft plastic frog bait is the perfect lure for bass fishing. They look lifelike, but won't make you feel like an awful fisherman. Watch as Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a plastic frog bait.
If you're targeting big bass during the summertime, the best bait to use is a swimbait lure. You may know that they don't give you tons of bites, but in this case, quality is the key. The best bass you'll eve catch will come off this swimbait lure. This is why swimbaits are favorites with anglers who have the confidence to continue casting them in search of lunkers. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a swimbait lure.