No, this yo-yo rig does not mean attaching your toy yo-yo to your fishing line. It's a specifically deigned mechanical reel that is designed to fish while you're home in bed. It's quite the reel, and worth a try. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to rig a mechanical yo-yo rig.
A fishing yo-yo is a spring-loaded metal reel that is rigged, baited and left in place so fish can find the bait. When they bite, the spring-loaded trigger trips, and an inertial reel sets the hook and keeps pressure on the fighting fish. Here is how to rig a mechanical yo-yo.
- Use stout nylon line that comes in the package to tie a yo-yo beneath a limb overhanging the water.
- Rig yo-yo line with hook and enough split shot to hold the line vertical in the water.
- Bait hook with live bait.
- Pull enough line out from yo-yo so bait will hold at least 2 feet into the water.
- Set the mechanical trigger, and then leave the rig in place for an extended time period.
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